Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Car Show Aims to Raise Money for Watsonville High Sports Programs

Corinne Speckert - Santa Cruz Sentinel Correspondent

Students and educators tried Saturday to reclaim some money for Watsonville High sports programs after the Pajaro Valley school board cut 25 percent from all high schools' athletics budgets in May.

Students, educators and supporters joined together Saturday at Watsonville High School for "Wily's Hot Rods and Hogs" car show and flea market to help raise money for the school's athletics department, which lost $86,000 due to the budget cuts.

After a day of selling raffle tickets and baked goods, Watsonville High will still be around $83,500 short of its goal.

Saturday's event took on added urgency in light of the city of Watsonville's decision to ban fireworks sales for the Fourth of July, a fundraiser that provided some sports such as track and field with around 60-70 percent of their budget, according to Brad Hubbard, Watsonville High's athletic director.

"It's causing a hardship for wrestling and other sports that benefited off firework sales," Hubbard said. "We've done these fundraisers before, but this year they take on added importance because of the cuts. We have some nice donations but we have a ways to go."

Hubbard said Watsonville High School Principal Murry Schekman hopes to eventually make up the $86,000 that the district cut from their school, but for some schools, it's out of the question.

"I think a lot of departments took some pretty heavy hits. From my understanding, middle school athletics aren't receiving any funding at all," Hubbard said.

For athletic programs that don't benefit from firework sales, students and staff are trying to stay positive, in a time where funding is tough to find.

"I think we're more successful with the car show," Watsonville High School freshman cheerleader Mariah Wilkins said. "A lot of people came and we sold a lot of stuff. We're grateful that a lot of people came today. We just want to raise enough money so that we can hopefully make it to competition."

Hubbard said proceeds from Saturday's event will be put into a general fund, expected to go to all sports, as well as to help pay official fees. The money could also be used to pay additional coaching stipends to replace the 20 stipends that were cut in May.

The athletic department hopes to continue the same programs from last year for this coming school year through fundraisers such as Saturday's. But at this point, they don't have enough money.

"I think with the spirit that goes on in Watsonville High School, that they're going to bounce back pretty well," Tracy Wimber of Watsonville said. "I think everyone has been pretty aware of what kind of circumstances that the fireworks had on losing money and I think we're all here to pitch in as a community to help our high school."

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