Article Launched: 08/03/2008 12:00:00 AM PDT
Ben Lomond student Autumn Bushard along with her sister and mother collected money outside Palace Arts on 41st Avenue Saturday to buy school supplies for San Lorenzo Valley students.
Autumn, 12, who helped provide 300 students with backpacks and supplies last August, is working with Valley Churches United Missions of Ben Lomond to buy everything from rulers to calculators for students who otherwise couldn't afford them.
The Bushard's, who worked with the Santa Cruz County Board of Education last year raising money for school supplies, made more than $600, and Saturday they hoped to beat that.
"It's for families that don't have enough money for supplies so they come to Valley Churches, fill out a form, and get a backpack full of goodies," Autumn said. "My little sister has a friend that doesn't have a lot of money to do stuff with, that helped urge me on."
Valley Church will divide the money by grade level, with elementary schools receiving $40 per student and middle and high schools receiving $60 per student. The money helps support students' for a year and Valley Church provides gift cards for new shoes with every $40 dollar donation made.
After spending about five hours collecting money Saturday, the Bushards went to several office supply stores, hoping to buy enough supplies at a discounted price, to ensure every student starts this fall with fresh supplies.
"Everyone feels good going to school with a new pack of crayons," said Autumn's mother, Anna Rawson-Bushard. "If they don't have the [needed] supplies, it's just doesn't work.
Redwood Pizza in Felton is also helping out by donating 33 percent of their Aug. 12 sales and donations are being taken at Luminous Threads in Felton.
"People just need to see that's it's not only them that needs this stuff but it's everyone. There's a lot of people worse off. If everyone donated a dollar that would be fantastic," Autumn said.