By: Corinne Speckert, The Spartan Daily
Posted: 9/15/08
The album "Beast" by V.I.C., which debuted last spring, seems to have a sexual animalistic theme with a pop of religion and some hard beats.
Throughout the album, V.I.C. makes references to being "a beast" and several of his songs focus on getting girls and "the beautiful mating ritual," which he talks about in his songs "Bop Skit" and "Wobble," saying to "notice how the female wombat sprays her pheromones."
In the song "Duck Off Skit," in which he talks about "the lions and the lionesses, she likes to claw," V.I.C. sounds like an African tour guide on a safari. This is perhaps an accent he learned to mimic from his father who emigrated from Ghana.
From the fast-paced "I'm The Shit" to the slower "Flawless" and "Wifey Type," in which he tries to sound tough by repeating "V.I.C. is hard," he comes off sounding unoriginal.
"Wobble" and "Bop Bop Bop" both have great rhythm, making for a great workout on the dance floor, but are by no means PG-rated. The lyrics, again, sound generic with V.I.C. focusing on being "the man" and chasing women.
"Wobble" has a great beat and makes you want to dance in your car until you listen to the lyrics, which relate to the notion that few rap songs can refrain from mentioning women, "shakin' their boobies like congos" and telling them to "wobble it, and I'ma gobble it."
The song, "Beat It," takes the degradation of women in rap music to a whole new level with the lyrics, "I don't let the pussy beat me up, I beat that pussy. I'm a man and can beat my wife up." The song continues by talking about men rubbing their "nuts" on women's chests.
"Get Silly," which features lyrics from Soulja Boy, is V.I.C.'s self-proclaimed hot single. It's catchy by rhyming lyrics with silly, dealy, willy and philly but in essence is about getting high and stealing women from their current boyfriends. "I'm da reason why you wanna loose ya man girlfriend. The fellas in the back and they twissin' up a philly."
As soon as you thought you couldn't listen to one more song about women and mating rituals, V.I.C. throws a twist in the mix with "By Faith." In this song V.I.C. raps about religion, violence and politics, talking about the denial of the right to pray in schools. "World filled with darkness, how a man can kill his wife and leave her heartless. No God in the schools, let us pray. All I know in this world is to live by faith."
V.I.C. strays away from the traditional rap style of music by including the easily recognizable "na na na na" Batman theme in "We Ridin" and making a reference to the popular '60s TV show "Gilligan's Island" in "Get Silly": "I be wildin' on a island somewhere just like Gilligan."
Overall, this album seems to lack a concise theme and has some offensive lyrics but provides a diverse balance of music through "By Faith" and has a nice variety of jiving dance beats, pop culture and hard and soft lyrics in the songs, "Beat It" and "Flawless."
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